Paddleboarding with dog

Paddleboarding so svojím psom: Sprievodca začiatočníkom začína

Nie je nič také ako radosť z paddleboardingu so psom. Sprievodca začiatočníkom pokrýva všetko, čo potrebujete vedieť, aby ste začali bezpečne a s istotou.

Two people on SUP paddleboarding

Zdieľajte Adventure: Predstavte svojmu priateľovi Paddleboardinging s Cruise 15 '

Paddleboarding je lepší spolu! Či už kĺzate po pokojných vodách Lake District, skúmate skryté zátoky pozdĺž cornwallské...

Woman carrying a paddleboard

Urobte z roku 2025 svoj rok: Ako začať s paddleboardingom s Bluefin’s Cruise Line

Začiatok nového roka je ideálny čas prijať nové výzvy, uprednostniť svoju pohodu a vyskúšať niečo nové. Ak ste premýšľa...

two people paddleboarding with dog

Inovujte svoju paddleboardingovú hru v roku 2025: Prečo je teraz ideálny čas

Keď sa začína nový rok, je čas zamyslieť sa nad svojimi paddleboardovými dobrodružstvami a položiť si otázku: je čas vy...

Bluefin SUP Christmas Gift Guide

Sprievodca vianočnými darčekmi Bluefin SUP

Darujte tieto Vianoce dobrodružstvu s naším výberom paddleboardingu a outdoorových potrieb. Či už je to pre skúsených v...

5 Magical SUP Spots To Check Out This Autumn

5 Magical SUP Spots To Check Out This Autumn

It’s that time of year again where we’re digging out our jumpers and getting comfy on the sofa with hot chocolates and blankets. That’s right, Autumn has well...

CommunityPaddle boarding in Munich

Top 5 Paddleboarding Locations Near Munich with Bluefin SUPs

Munich is surrounded by some of the most beautiful water bodies in Bavaria, making it a perfect base for paddleboarding. Whether you're a local or just visiti...

Bluefin Celebrating 11 Years of Paddleboarding

11 Years Of Bluefin

BLUEFIN THE BEGINNINGS Bluefin SUPs started with my passion for the great outdoors and all things aquatic. Living on the Yorkshire moors fuelled m...

CommunityPaddle Boarding Scandinavia

Our interesting paddle boarding and kayaking Spots in Scandinavia

Scandinavia - the best paddle boarding and kayaking spots! We traveled eight weeks through Norway, Sweden and Finland and of course, we took our Bluefin Sups with us!

Brand & NewsCruise Lite New Paddle Board Range

Crafting Waves: The Design Journey Behind Cruise Lite & Upgraded Carbon Paddle Board Range

Get ready for a whole new board with our latest drop: the Cruise Lite Carbon. This innovation comes packed with fresh features, including a slick X-Weave Stringer system...

CommunityBenefits Of Stand Up Paddle Boarding

The Benefits of Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Sports health expert chats to us about the Benefits of Stand Up Paddleboarding. Increase your balance, strength and posture with SUP.

Beginner Paddleboarder: What Do You Need?

Beginner Paddleboarder: What Do You Need?

All beginner paddleboarders should have an enjoyable first experience so we’ve written a list of tips to get you paddling from the get-go! Here is the list of things...

SUP Tips & TricksHow To Store Your SUP

Paddle boarding in winter - How to store your SUP

How To Store Your Paddle Board In Winter ? Here’s a few tips I found useful while storing my paddle board during winter.