Paddle Boarding Scandinavia

Our interesting paddle boarding and kayaking Spots in Scandinavia

Scandinavia - the best paddle boarding and kayaking spots! We traveled eight weeks through Norway, Sweden and Finland and of course, we took our Bluefin Sups with us!

CommunityBenefits Of Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Les avantages du Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Un expert en santé sportive nous discute des avantages du Stand Up Paddleboard. Augmentez votre équilibre, votre force et votre posture avec le SUP.

CommunityMental Health and Paddle Boarding

Stand Up Paddle Boarding pour la santé mentale

SUP pour votre santé mentale ! Vous pouvez bénéficier d’une réduction significative du stress, d’une meilleure qualité de sommeil et d’une mémoire améliorée !

CommunityPaddleboarding Spots In Western Canada

Bucket-List Paddleboarding Spots in Western Canada By Kristen Alexis

In this blog, I’ll be sharing some of my favourite paddleboarding spots in Western Canada, lakes in Alberta and British Columbia from my road trips and travels. I hope you like them!

CommunityInternational Mens Day 2023

International Men’s Day 2023

International Men’s Day 2023 is a day dedicated to celebrating men worldwide, showing our appreciation for the male role models in our lives and sharing their stories.

Brand & NewsInternational Men's Day Paddleboarding

Journée internationale des hommes 2022

Entretien avec Andy's Man Club. C'est la Journée internationale de l'homme 2022 et chez Bluefin SUP nous savons à quel point il est important de sensibiliser au bien-être des hommes. Les principau...

CommunityAmbassador Spotlight SUP Beginnings

Pleins feux : l'ambassadeur apprécie Tom Farnell et ses débuts en SUP

In this post we want to introduce you to Tom Farnell (@tomsuplife) and his paddleboarding story and how he's beginning to SUP. to show stand up paddleboarding is a sport for everyone and it allows ...

CommunityPartners Travelling Together With Their SUP

Voyager avec notre SUP : Jenni & Flo

Van Life and SUP Life go together perfectly. In this blog, Jenni & Flo spoke to us about "Travelling with Our SUP" for a YEAR! SUP through the seasons.

CommunityGirl on SUP Travel Paddling

Comment planifier un voyage SUP

How to plan a Trip for SUP Travel? Dan runs an Adventure Sports Coaching business in the Lake District and he talks to us about how to plan a trip for SUP travel...